Represents the first contact of medical students in the field of Nutrition, therefore is a book that aims to provide the elements necessary for the student to acquire the language of this area of knowledge and be able to establish a proper dialogue with other members of the health team.
This book is an introduction, which therefore present a broad overview of the topics nutriologicos wide. With this prespective, a student can identify many areas where health is influenced to varying degrees by nutrition. As with any other introductory text, the reader who wishes to delve into some of the issues that are addressed here, should refer to specialized sources.
As a clinical nature book offers a balanced view between the actions of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of nutrient disorders, emphasizing the application of conociemientos.
The material constituting this work should be reviewed preferably after the student has completed the basic area materials and therefore possess the biochemical and physiological knowledge needed to understand and take full advantage of the work.
The objective of the text Nutrology particular medical and health sciences in general, current scientific information on the concepts of Nutrition required more often for comprehensive patient care more often for comprehensive patient care perspective clinic.
The book MEDICAL NUTRIOLOGY, is currently the most comprehensive of its kind for professionals in the field of nutrition, contains very complete about issues of Nutrition and medical application, with topics ranging from nutrition for the healthy and the sick and all stages of life, from our point of view MEDICAL NUTRIOLOGY can't miss in the stock of a nutritionist.